Bellingham Personal Injury Attorneys
Premises Liability Lawyers Washington State
When you’re not at home and you get hurt, you may be entitled to compensation for your injury. This is because the State of Washington can hold property owners legally responsible for accidents that occur on their premises. If you can prove the owner of a property failed to provide a reasonably safe environment for you, you may be eligible to pursue legal action.
Accidents can happen at any time, but you should not have to deal with the consequences alone. Our personal injury lawyers at Border Solutions Law Group can help you determine who may be at fault for your accident and what compensation you can pursue. Schedule your free initial consultation with us today for advice about premises liability, personal injury claims, and what might be possible for you.
What is Premises Liability?
Premises liability refers to the legal obligation property owners have to ensure their premises are reasonably safe for those they explicitly or implicitly invite to enter them. This is referred to as an owner’s duty of care to invitees and licensees. To be held liable for injuries that take place on their premises, owners must be found to have created or allowed dangerous conditions to exist on the property. Premises may refer to private property, public property, or even residential property. If you wish to file a premises liability lawsuit in Washington State, our dually licensed personal injury attorneys can help.
How Is Liability Established?
For a premises liability lawsuit to succeed, it must be proven that the owner of the premises either knew or should have known about the hazard on the property that resulted in the claimant’s injury.
For example, if a spill created a puddle in the aisle of a grocery store and a patron slipped and fell on said puddle, the owner of the store may be found liable for the patron’s injury. If the patron can prove that the grocery store:
- Knew or should have known about the puddle (through a mandated cleaning schedule, for example), and that;
- Appropriate steps were not taken to amend the puddle (the cleaning schedule was not completed properly, for example),
They may be able to establish negligence on the part of the grocery store owner and pursue legal action. Failure by an owner to comply with established surveillance or inspection measures on their premises may constitute negligence and subsequently establish liability. Historical examples of similar incidents occurring may also demonstrate that an owner knew or should have known about a hazard that they failed to fix.
If a premises liability claim is pursued, owners can avoid liability or partially avoid liability by proving that they executed a reasonable duty of care. For example, if a claimant slipped and fell in a grocery store, but all cleaning duties had been completed in accordance with the owner’s prescribed obligations, the grocery store owner may be absolved of liability.
Types of Compensation Available in Washington State
Various compensation is available for claimants injured on premises owned by another party. Normally, private and public premises will have third-party liability insurance that can pay out claimants in the event they are found liable for an injury.
Personal injury cases may result in compensation for:
- Past and future medical bills
- Past and future wage losses
- Pain and suffering
- And more
In Washington State, there is no cap on damages that can be awarded in personal injury cases. As a result, a claimant can pursue any amount of compensation they see fit on account of their injury.
Contact Border Solutions Law Group for a Free Initial Consultation
You do not have to deal with the complexity of a personal injury claim alone. If you are injured on another person’s property, they may owe you compensation if they are found liable. Pursuing damages when you are hurt can be extremely helpful for any suffering you have experienced as a result of your injury. Our personal injury lawyers can help you receive the compensation you deserve. Schedule a free initial consultation with our team at Border Solutions Law Group today for assistance with personal injury claims when premises liability is involved.
Disclaimer: For specific legal advice on your cross-border personal injury matter, please consult with a personal injury lawyer. The content in this article is not intended to act as legal advice and is instead intended to act as a general overview of a legal topic.
Suite 408 – 837 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 3N6
Suite 301 – 2219 Rimland Dr.
Bellingham, WA 98226