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Border Solutions Law Group

U.S. Immigration

P & O Visas: Athletes, Performers And Elite Professionals

P and O visas accommodate the unique needs of acclaimed artists, entertainers, performers and athletes. At Border Solutions Law Group, we have successfully filed applications for national sports teams, performing artists and media professionals. But we have also helped corporate clients obtain O visas for professionals with extraordinary talent in business, science, technology and other nonathletic/artistic fields.

Case-By-Case Analysis Of Needs And Eligibility

With their many similarities, P and O visas are frequently confused. Each type has its own advantages, limitations and requirements. After years of experience and thousands of applications filed, our lawyers can often quickly assess which of the two visas is better suited to your eligibility profile and needs.

Part of our analysis includes:

  • Whether you qualify as an individual or part of a group
  • Whether your level of acclaim and supporting proof are better suited for O or P approval
  • The details and duration of the planned itinerary
  • Whether you qualify under a reciprocal exchange program or culturally unique art/performance classification
  • The requirements for labour union advisory opinions and employer or agent petitions

We can also provide advice if:

  • You have dual intent of eventually gaining permanent U.S. residency.
  • Your visit requires travel in company with essential support staff or family members.
  • You are a young or emerging artist/athlete without the required level of international acclaim.

One reason why professional clients turn to our firm for help is because of our track record in winning their trust. Our legal team works strategically to meet the time-sensitive demands that often surround P and O applications. We are ready to take over the burden of navigating complex legal details while working diligently to gain you the necessary visa approvals.

Let Us Guide You Through Your Visa Application

An efficient prescreening is your first step in getting answers and simplifying the visa application process. Call our Vancouver office today to arrange a consultation. You can reach us at 877-341-0315 or by requesting contact through our online form.

Sometimes All It Takes Is A Short Consultation

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Suite 408 – 837 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 3N6

Suite 301 – 2219 Rimland Dr.
Bellingham, WA 98226


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