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Site Map
- 25% of fatal car accidents were linked to speed
- 3 misconceptions about renouncing US citizenship
- 3 reasons why trucks complicate accident claims
- 4 people who could be liable for damages after a holiday crash
- 4 tips if you are preparing for your citizenship test
- 6 common accidents that can happen on vacation
- 858 immigrants provided false information on applications
- A businessperson’s options when taking samples across the border
- A cross-border crash sent you to the hospital. How will you cope?
- A good helmet is the number one priority for bicycle riders
- Age-related changes reduce safe-driving abilities
- American border officials may soon ask for social media accounts
- An impaired driving charge can put your immigrant status in jeopardy.
- Analyzing motorcycle crash injury data
- Appeals for the trusted traveler program are possible
- Applying for a fiancé visa? Beware of these challenges.
- Applying for an E2 Visa as a Small Business Owner: A Guide for Canadians
- Are all cross-border personal injury suits financially viable?
- Are Cross-Border Injury Claims Harder To Fight?
- Are Cross-Border Injury Claims Worth More In The U.S.?
- Auto accidents a leading cause of Canadian injuries and death
- Back to lockdown rules for crossing the border into Canada
- BC motorcycle riders might be a bit rusty after the long winter
- BCAA survey shows drivers confuse distractions with multitasking
- Be alert to avoid cross-border personal injury claims
- Being proactive might prevent cross-border personal injury
- Border crossing rules between B.C and the U.S. change yet again
- British Columbia immigration option for skilled workers
- British Columbia Underinsured Motorist Protection Claims
- Buyer Beware - New USCIS filing fee schedule effective December 23, 2016
- Can British Columbia residents sponsor spouses to join them?
- Can Canadians work remotely for US employers?
- Can I come back to Canada after being asked to leave?
- Can I get deported from Canada for drunk driving?
- Can I qualify for asylum in the U.S.?
- Canada deems U.S. to be unsafe country for asylum seekers
- Canada shows appreciation for healthcare workers seeking asylum
- Canadian snowbirds worry over US land border closure
- Canadian truckers a risk of cross-border personal injury
- Cannabis effects compromise safe driving for over 5 hours
- Cannabis might be legal but driving is dangerous after using it
- Car accidents can cause long-term mental health issues
- Car accidents can cause personal injury when least expected
- Categories for temporary worker visas
- Causes of accidents that lead to cross-border personal injury
- Certain prescription medicines increase crash risks
- Challenges living with car accident-related spinal cord injuries
- Change to off-campus work restrictions for international students
- Common Challenges in Cross-Border Injury Claims and How to Overcome Them
- Common Types of Cross-Border Injuries, and Possible Compensation
- Complacency on British Columbia winter roads is life-threatening
- Complacent drivers can cause devastating crashes in B.C. spring
- Congress Moves on Long-Awaited Border Pre-Clearance Bill
- Coping with cross-border personal injury involving amputation
- Coping with medical bills after cross-border accident is tough
- Crash-related injuries often pose mental challenges for victims
- Cross border personal injury: The intricacies of travel insurance
- Cross-Border Bicycle Accidents: What To Do After Being Injured
- Cross-border car accidents can have serious economic consequences
- Cross-border day-tripping- Why extra insurance may be worth the few bucks
- Cross-border employment immigration can be tricky
- Cross-border injuries or death complicates damage recovery
- Cross-border personal injuries often caused by car accidents
- Cross-border personal injury and death in head-on crash
- Cross-border personal injury and insurance coverage
- Cross-border personal injury and its impact on mental health
- Cross-border personal injury and the need for travel insurance
- Cross-border personal injury can be caused by distracted drivers
- Cross-border personal injury can be costly
- Cross-border personal injury can be costly and complicated
- Cross-border personal injury can cause chronic myofascial pain
- Cross-border personal injury can come in many forms
- Cross-border personal injury can complicate claims
- Cross-border personal injury can happen in the blink of an eye
- Cross-border personal injury can have devastating consequences
- Cross-border personal injury can have long-term consequences
- Cross-border personal injury can involve motorcycles
- Cross-border personal injury can result from distracted driving
- Cross-border personal injury caused by car accidents
- Cross-border personal injury claim at trampoline park dismissed
- Cross-border personal injury claim can follow visual distraction
- Cross-border personal injury claim challenges for TBI victims
- Cross-border personal injury claim may follow bus crash
- Cross-border personal injury claim: Recovery for whiplash damage
- Cross-border personal injury claims can be challenging
- Cross-border personal injury claims can be difficult to navigate
- Cross-border personal injury claims may follow Amtrak derailment
- Cross-border personal injury claims might follow Amtrak crash
- Cross-border personal injury claims need skilled guidance
- Cross-border personal injury could happen without warning
- Cross-border personal injury due to distracted driving
- Cross-border personal injury lawsuits: Delayed whiplash damage
- Cross-border personal injury litigation poses unique challenges
- Cross-border personal injury often caused by drunk driving
- Cross-border personal injury often involves motorcycles
- Cross-border personal injury risks as winter approaches
- Cross-border personal injury risks for commercial truck drivers
- Cross-border personal injury risks higher in winter months
- Cross-border personal injury symptoms can be delayed
- Cross-border personal injury threats posed by big rigs
- Cross-border personal injury threats to pedestrians
- Cross-border personal injury to the head and face can be costly
- Cross-border personal injury: 1 killed, 1 injured in fiery crash
- Cross-border personal injury: Are cannabis users better drivers?
- Cross-border personal injury: Cyclist killed by utility truck
- Cross-border personal injury: Herniated disc cause long-term pain
- Cross-border personal injury: Living with chronic pain
- Cross-border personal injury: Living with spinal cord damage
- Cross-border personal injury: Look out for drunk drivers
- Cross-border personal injury: Most common contributors
- Cross-border personal injury: Motorcyclists at higher risk
- Cross-border personal injury: Never mix driving and cannabis
- Cross-border personal injury: Spinal injuries can be devastating
- Cross-border personal injury: TBI can be devastating
- Cross-border personal injury: The impact of raised speed limits
- Cross-border personal injury: Truck awareness can save lives
- Cross-border personal injury: Typical causes of road accidents
- Cross-border personal injury: Vancouver bus crash kills 2
- Cross-border personal injury: Whiplash can cause long-term harm
- Cross-border truck drivers no longer exempt from vaccination rules
- Cross-border workers may need employment immigration assistance
- Crossing the border from the U.S. to Canada in a rental vehicle
- Crossing the US-Canada border with your dog
- Damage recovery after cross-border crash could be challenging
- Darkness brings one more risk for B.C. drivers
- Dealing with a criminal history when you travel to Canada
- Dealing with cross-border personal injury involving spinal cord
- Dealing with cross-border personal injury to the spinal cord
- Debunked myth: Safety features in vehicle protect drunk drivers
- Declining job quality may lead to employment immigration to U.S.
- Delayed injuries and cross-border personal injury lawsuits
- Denied long-term disability after a cross-border personal injury?
- Different strategies for the future of immigration in Canada, US
- Diminished cognitive and physical abilities in older drivers
- Distracted driving causes many accidents and injuries
- Distracted driving increases risk of cross-border personal injury
- Distractions can lead to cross-border personal injury claims
- Distractions could cause cross-border personal injuries
- Do Canadian entertainers need O-visas to visit the US?
- Do cross-border drivers face a greater risk for vehicle collisions?
- Do I need a visa to enter the U.S.?
- Does Canadian immigration check your social media?
- Does Canadian immigration law allow residents to work in U.S.?
- Don’t forget mental well-being after car accidents
- Drivers impaired for hours after inhaling cannabis
- Drivers reminded that roads could also be slippery without rain
- Driving while drowsy as dangerous as drunk driving
- Drug impairment and cross-border personal injury claims
- Eligibility for a work transfer from British Columbia to the U.S.
- Eligibility requirements for foreign nationals to study in Canada
- Employment Immigration -- the internet can be misleading
- Employment immigration ban may only be temporary
- Employment immigration changes may come if NAFTA is revised
- Employment immigration will be affected by new Executive Order
- Employment immigration: Can spouses and children go along?
- Employment immigration: Debate about U.S. H-1B visa continues
- Employment immigration: Which visa is the right one for you?
- Employment Immigration: Who can apply for J1 visas?
- Employment immigration: Who qualifies for a TN visa?
- Enforcement policy to control cannabis taken across the border
- Engaged to an American? How to prove that your relationship is legitimate
- Enhanced Care Under ICBC
- Environment Canada warns travellers of hazardous road conditions
- Even frequent travellers can be denied entry into Canada
- Even light snow can lead to cross-border personal injury claims
- Exceptional abilities can help earn O and P visas
- Explore U.S. immigration laws before arranging trips for minors
- Fall driving hazards to beware of this season
- Fatal 2011 cross-border personal injury truck accident revisited
- Fatigued drivers could cause catastrophic car accidents
- First Steps in a Cross-Border Personal Injury: A Guide for BC and Washington State Residents
- Five Things Your Should Know About Cross-Border Injury Claims
- Global Skills Strategy allows short-term work without permit
- Guns control is a priority at Canadian entry points
- Heavy fines follow false vaccination declarations at the border
- High-risk driving can cause serious cross-border personal injury
- High-risk driving causes many car accidents
- High-risk driving increases risk of cross-border personal injury
- Holiday concerns: 9 in 10 car accidents in Canada are preventable
- Honesty Is The Best Policy And Other Tips For Border Crossing
- How an Injury Lawyer Can Help Negotiate a Settlement in a Cross-Border Injury Claim
- How Border Solutions Law Can Assist Residents of Vancouver Who Have Been Injured in Motor Vehicle Accidents in Washington
- How Cross-Border Injury Claims Differ From Domestic Claims in Canada
- How Cross-Border Injury Claims Work in British Columbia and Washington
- How do B-1 visas work?
- How do big-rig drivers deal with cross-border personal injury?
- How do United States employers hire non-resident workers?
- How does fatigued driving affect traffic safety?
- How does the US immigration Visa Bulletin work?
- How does US immigration deal with pardoned Canadians?
- How does US immigration deal with pets of snowbirds?
- How many lives will new British Columbia truck driving law save?
- How NEXUS Helps With Crossing the Border
- How to deal with cross-border personal injury
- How to keep US Immigration officers happy at a border crossing
- How will cannabis users deal with U.S. immigration laws?
- How will employment immigration affect manufacturing industry?
- How will H-1B visa reform affect employment immigration?
- How will you deal with hit-and-run cross-border personal injury?
- How winter weather complicates cross-border crashes
- ICBC changes will impact cross-border personal injury claims
- Immigration advice for Canadian students studying in U.S.
- Immigration rights for illegal immigrants in the United States
- Increased restrictions for cross-border travellers
- Insurance Coverage Across Borders
- Intracompany transfer visa for executives and managers: the L-1A
- Is a B-1 visa right for you?
- Is business travel between British Columbia and the US allowed?
- Is the P-1B visa for entertainers right for me?
- K-1 fiancé visa application: how to put the odds in your favor
- Key Differences in Uninsured Motorist Coverage in BC and Washington State
- Learn about options for immigration into the United States
- Living with a spinal cord injury could pose many challenges
- Living with spinal cord damage after cross-border personal injury
- Looking for legal assistance with employment immigration?
- Many snowbirds put off by U.S. health hazards
- Medical Treatment for Canadians Injured in the United States
- Mistakes to avoid when applying for a fiancé visa
- Most likely reasons for car accidents involving young drivers
- Motorcycles linked to at least 10% of road fatalities
- Musicians may need employment immigration assistance to tour U.S.
- Navigating Canadian immigration law can be challenging
- Navigating the complexity of a cross-border car accident
- Navigating U.S. Immigration and Border Issues As A Business Traveler
- Navigating U.S. Inadmissibility
- Negligence laws re cross-border personal injury claims
- New passport law comes into effect this month in Canada
- New pathways for low-skilled workers to gain permanent residence
- Nonimmigrant visa for Canadian workers in the US
- Options to recover damages after a British Columbia car accident
- Parasailing dangers: What every adventurous tourist needs to know
- Pedestrians face risks of cross-border personal injury
- Pedestrians vulnerable to personal injury during winter weather
- Permanent residency status risks when applying for citizenship
- Pot questions at U.S. border spark lifetime bans
- Potential cross-border personal injury risks over the holidays
- Preparing for the interview for a K-1 fiancé visa
- President Trump and the New World Order
- Proposed Amendments to Regulations Affecting Trusted Traveller Programs - What Could This Mean For Future Applicants?
- Proposed measure seeks to improve Canadian security
- Qualifications for the E-1 Treaty Traders classification
- Reasons Canadian Immigration could turn you away at the border
- Recovering from an accident? Avoid social media.
- Renouncing U.S. Citizenship
- Requirements for U.S. residents entering Canada when border reopens
- Respect for each other could reduce car vs. bicycle accidents
- Returning snowbirds face travel restrictions
- Risks of cross-border personal injury when driving in Seattle
- Risks of cross-border personal injury when driving in spring rain
- Road oil -- unanticipated crash risk on British Columbia roads
- Road safety crucial to avoid cross-border personal injury
- Seemingly minor crash injuries can cause long-lasting problems
- Seniors face unique age-related personal injury risks
- Service of Process on an Out-of-State Resident for Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Snowbirds must carefully plan their return to British Columbia
- Social media following personal injury: how to protect your case
- Some car accident injuries cause long-term health problems
- Speciality nurses' employment immigration refused
- Speed might lead to cross-border personal injury claims
- Speeding drivers risk lives of others to save a few minutes
- Spilled truck cargo: A big problem for smaller vehicles
- Sponsoring a family member: What you should know
- Statute of Limitations in Cross-Border Injury Claims
- Summer driving risks can cause cross-border personal injury
- Summer Safety Kits For Vehicles
- Tech groups ask U.S. immigration to allow spouses to work
- Temporary U.S. visa requirements for employment immigration
- The Benefits of Hiring a Cross-Border Injury Lawyer for Your Injury Claim
- The complexities of cross-border personal injury claims
- The Future of Car Accident Claims in British Columbia
- The H1-B quota registration is complete
- The Roles and Responsibilities of Canada Border Services Agency Officers
- Things to Consider When Filing a Cross-Border Injury Claim in Canada
- Tips and Considerations When Choosing a Cross-Border Injury Lawyer
- Tips for immigrants coming to Canada
- Tips to prevent issues with US immigration during border crossing
- To pay or not to pay? Subrogation liens arising out of a BC MVA
- Tourists may need help with cross-border personal injury claims
- Traumatic brain injury symptoms and seeking help as a victim
- Travel insurance: Why it can be crucial to have it before a trip
- Travel loophole between Canada and U.S. might be closed soon
- Trips across the border from British Columbia could be costly
- Truckers: You can be eligible for Express Entry in Canada
- U S immigration: How and when to petition for family members
- U.S. immigration -- are Canadian tech workers still welcome?
- U.S. immigration introduces new application form for Green Card
- U.S. immigration laws related to change of visitor's status
- U.S. immigration may abandon diversity visa lottery program
- U.S. immigration policies pose school trip challenges
- U.S. immigration policies ruined school band's trip to Victoria
- U.S. immigration requirements for crossing the border by car
- U.S. immigration rules cause confusion for Canadian vendor
- U.S. immigration rules for those fleeing the cold Canadian winter
- U.S. immigration rules on extending your visit
- U.S. immigration still allows employment visas from Canada
- U.S. Immigration: Be prepared for the F-1 student visa interview
- U.S. Immigration: Changed rules for electronic device searches
- U.S. immigration: Green card for Canadian marrying U.S. citizen
- U.S. immigration: Green card, visa -- which do you need?
- U.S. Immigration: More Canadians are crossing the border
- U.S. Immigration: Requirements for K-1 fiancé? visa
- U.S. immigration: Rules for minors travelling from Canada to U.S.
- U.S. Immigration: Travel restrictions extended to May 20
- U.S. immigration: Vancouver residents affected by changed rules
- U.S. immigration: What happens to a green card holder in divorce?
- U.S. might welcome Canadian immigrants as job creators
- Understanding Comparative Fault in BC and Washington: Considerations for Cross-Border Injury Claims
- Understanding Cross-Border Injury Claims: A Guide for British Columbians Injured in Washington
- Understanding the move from Skill Level to the TEER system
- United States visa concerns for Canadians convicted of crimes
- United States visas for professional workers in Canada
- US immigration advice from a seasoned snowbird
- US immigration agents act against Canadians carrying CBD oil
- US immigration allows Canadian snowbird to enter by air
- US immigration appears to be playing the guessing game
- US immigration bans cause concern for snowbirds
- US immigration cannot access pardoned marijuana records
- US immigration cell phone searches are allowed at border crossing
- US immigration expands GMC requirements for naturalization
- US immigration extended border closure once again
- US immigration laws can put lifetime entry ban on cannabis users
- US immigration laws cap H-1B visa selections
- US immigration laws confuse Canadians refused entry into USA
- US Immigration laws for Canadian business owners carrying sampl
- US immigration laws for Canadian students
- US immigration laws might deny Canadians of green cards
- US Immigration laws require proof of good moral character
- US immigration notes for travelling south of the border and back
- US immigration options for British Columbia truckers
- US immigration options for Canadian investors
- US immigration options for investors
- US immigration options for living and working across the border
- US immigration part of NEXUS applications delayed
- US immigration requirements for citizenship applications
- US immigration requirements for nonimmigrant visitors
- US immigration to allocate additional H2-B visas
- US immigration ups the ante on golden visas
- US immigration visa requirements for those with special skills
- US immigration, marriage and unlawful presence
- US immigration, Snowbirds and tax liability
- US immigration: Be prepared for taking children across the border
- US Immigration: Boaters -- beware not to cross Canada-US border
- US immigration: Can temporary visitors apply for green cards?
- US immigration: Canada-US Preclearance agreement
- US immigration: Canadians exempted from entry suspensions
- US immigration: Declared inadmissible -- what now?
- US immigration: Do you or don't you need a green card?
- US immigration: Drastic increase in citizenship applications
- US immigration: E2 Treaty Investor Visas are useful options
- US immigration: Family members can cross the border to reunite
- US immigration: Heed health warnings before crossing the border
- US immigration: How can a FAST card help commercial truckers?
- US immigration: Jay Inslee asks B.C. cannabis users to be patient
- US immigration: Marijuana vs. border agents
- US Immigration: No visa without social media info
- US immigration: Reasons for ineligibility for NEXUS participation
- US immigration: Simplify border crossings with a Nexus Card
- US immigration: Some Canadians are eligible for TN visas
- US Immigration: Travel outside Canada not encouraged
- US immigration: What are the benefits of dual intent visas?
- US Immigration: What happens to data downloaded by border agents?
- US immigration: What is an E2 Treaty Investor visa?
- US immigration: What is expedited removal?
- US immigration's online green card service has restrictions
- US makes it easier for Canadians to get work permits
- Vancouver driver suffers cross-border personal injury in crash
- Visa requirements for artist groups crossing the Canada-US border
- Visiting the U.S.? Which type of visa will you need?
- Wanting to work in Vancouver? Preparation is key
- What are the differences between P and O visas?
- What are the differences between the EB-5 and E-2 investor visas?
- What are the main contributors to fatigued driving?
- What are the most distracting things drivers do?
- What are the requirements to obtain a work visa in the U.S.?
- What are the rights and responsibilities of a U.S. citizen?
- What Canadians should know before buying property across the border
- What if you fail the English or civics naturalization tests?
- What if you suffer a spinal cord injury south of the border?
- What is a Treaty Trader visa and who qualifies?
- What is an H-1B visa?
- What makes a temporary resident eligible for permanent residence?
- What should I know about a U.S. visa denial?
- What To Do If You Live In British Columbia And Have Been Injured In A Car Accident In Washington
- What to Do if You've Been Injured in an Accident in the United States and You're From Canada
- What to know about a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment
- What to know if you get stuck in the snow
- What to Look For When Hiring an Injury Lawyer for a Cross-Border Injury Claim
- What to pack in your car for a cross-border road trip
- What ways can you get a green card related to work?
- What You Need To Know About P Visas
- When your cross-border personal injury takes a turn for the worse
- Where are Canadians migrating to in the United States?
- Who is at risk to suffer cross-border personal injury?
- Why is US immigration handing more border bans to Canadians?
- Why is US immigration issuing more border bans to Canadians?
- Why it pays to hire a lawyer after a car crash
- Will employment immigration be impacted by President Trump?
- Will renewed NAFTA negotiations benefit U.S. immigration?
- Winter driving and the threat of cross-border personal injury
- Winter driving errors can cause cross-border personal injury
- Winter tires could prevent cross-border personal injury claims
- Work options when focus shifts to Canada
- You may qualify for the job but do you qualify to enter the U.S.?
- About Border Solutions
- BC Personal Injury
- Bellingham Personal Injury Attorneys
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- Canadian Immigration
- Bridging Open Work Permits
- Canadian Citizenship
- Criminal Inadmissibility
- Express Entry
- Family Class Permanent Residency
- Federal Start-Up Visa Program
- Financial Inadmissibility
- Free Trade Work Permits
- IEC Visas
- Immigration Litigation
- Inadmissibility And Record Suspensions
- Medical Inadmissibility
- Misrepresentation
- Other Canadian Immigration Services
- Permanent Residency
- Permanent Residency Renewals
- Post Graduation Work Permits
- Refugee Law
- Removal Orders
- Security Inadmissibility
- Spousal Open Work Permits
- Super Visas
- Temporary Residency And Study Permits
- Temporary Resident Permits (TRPS)
- Vancouver Corporate Immigration Lawyers
- Visitor Visas
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- U.S. Immigration
- B Visa: Business Visitor
- E Visa: Investor/Trader
- Green Cards
- H1-B, L1-B Visa: Specialized Knowledge
- L Visa: Intracompany Transfers
- P & O Visas: Athletes/Entertainers
- Permanent U.S. Work Visas: EB1 & EB2
- Spousal And Fiancé Visas
- TN Visa: USMCA Professional
- U.S. Entry Waivers: Inadmissibility
- U.S. Immigration: Denied NEXUS Applications & Appeals
- U.S. Renunciation
- US Immigration: Border Seizures
- US Student Visas: F1 & J1 Visas
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Suite 408 – 837 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 3N6
Suite 301 – 2219 Rimland Dr.
Bellingham, WA 98226