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Border Solutions Law Group

Traumatic brain injury symptoms and seeking help as a victim

Traumatic brain injury symptoms and seeking help as a victim

Are you one of many British Columbia residents who loves to take trips across the U.S. border to go shopping, see a show, or enjoy the beaches, parks and other attractions? While you probably do your best to stay safe on these occasions, the unfortunate possibility that you could be involved in an accident while you are on the other side of the border between British Columbia and the state of Washington is real. Car crashes and other accidents can happen to anybody at any time, but if they occur while you are in another country, the aftermath can be even more daunting.

Accident injuries could range from those that need no more than on-the-spot treatment or a few days in a hospital to life-changing injuries that may prevent you from returning to work and living a healthy life. This includes traumatic brain injury that could leave you debilitated and in need of long-term medical and personal care.

Life after traumatic brain injury

Victims of motor vehicle accidents, malpractice by a doctor or medical facility, and slip-and-fall accidents that occur as the result of a property owner’s negligence have been known to suffer devastating traumatic brain injuries. TBI typically results in a myriad of physical and mental consequences for these victims, including the following:

  • Post-concussive syndrome: You may continue to suffer the physical and mental effects of the brain injury for months or even years, and the development of new symptoms is not unusual.
  • Sleep pattern: TBI can cause you to sleep much more than before, or the opposite may apply — you might find yourself waking up shortly after a long struggle to fall asleep.
  • Chronic headaches: Carrying out the lightest tasks may seem impossible while you experience chronic headaches.
  • Communication problems: You might struggle to keep up with conversations. Understanding what is said and expressing yourself may become challenging — especially when you are in the company of several people.
  • Memory and thinking: The injury to your brain may affect your short-term memory and your concentration skills as well as your ability to learn new information.
  • Emotional roller coaster: Your struggles with your ability to remember, think clearly and speak without problems may cause mood swings, anxiety and depression.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder: The psychological effects of the trauma that caused your brain injury could have long-term consequences. You may replay the incident repeatedly in your mind, and it could even cause you to withdraw from other people for fear of your safety.

Where to turn for support

If another party’s negligent or reckless actions resulted in you or a loved one suffering a traumatic brain injury, you may find comfort in learning that there are resources available to help you during this challenging time. If the unfortunate event occurred across the border, a law firm licensed to practice in both British Columbia and Washington can prove invaluable in pursuit of the maximum amount of damages to which you are entitled for your cross-border personal injury case.

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Suite 408 – 837 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 3N6

Suite 301 – 2219 Rimland Dr.
Bellingham, WA 98226


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