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First Steps in a Cross-Border Personal Injury: A Guide for BC and Washington State Residents

Feb 14, 2024 | Cross-border Personal Injury

If you or someone you care about has been injured across the border, you may be dealing with an additional layer of legal complexity when advancing a personal injury claim. Whether you are a Canadian who got into a car accident in Seattle or an American citizen who has been injured while travelling in Vancouver, … Continue reading “First Steps in a Cross-Border Personal Injury: A Guide for BC and Washington State Residents”

How Border Solutions Law Can Assist Residents of Vancouver Who Have Been Injured in Motor Vehicle Accidents in Washington

Feb 7, 2024 | Cross-border Personal Injury

Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of injury worldwide. The impacts of a single collision can be life-altering. From fractured bones to whiplash and traumatic brain injuries, an injured accident survivor may face significant recovery time that takes them away from being able to earn an income. In some cases, an injury may prevent … Continue reading “How Border Solutions Law Can Assist Residents of Vancouver Who Have Been Injured in Motor Vehicle Accidents in Washington”

What To Do If You Live In British Columbia And Have Been Injured In A Car Accident In Washington

Jan 25, 2024 | Cross-border Personal Injury

Motor vehicle collisions make up the majority of cross-border injury claims. From the impact of adverse weather to driver negligence, many factors can contribute to accident-causing conditions. It can be challenging, especially in light of the physical stress of a collision, to know what to do if you are involved in a collision while travelling … Continue reading “What To Do If You Live In British Columbia And Have Been Injured In A Car Accident In Washington”

How Cross-Border Injury Claims Work in British Columbia and Washington

Dec 13, 2023 | Cross-border Personal Injury

Personal injury claims are intended to help injured accident survivors receive financial support crucial to their recovery. A successful claim may result in compensation towards medical and/or rehabilitative bills, the costs of attendant care, coverage of lost income, or more. If you are a resident of one jurisdiction but have been injured in another, there … Continue reading “How Cross-Border Injury Claims Work in British Columbia and Washington”

What to Look For When Hiring an Injury Lawyer for a Cross-Border Injury Claim

Dec 8, 2023 | Cross-border Personal Injury

If you are injured in an accident across the border, you may be looking for the assistance of a cross-border injury lawyer to help with your cross-border claim. As with any case, finding a good fit can be pivotal to getting you favourable results. There are a few things you can look for when hiring … Continue reading “What to Look For When Hiring an Injury Lawyer for a Cross-Border Injury Claim”

Common Challenges in Cross-Border Injury Claims and How to Overcome Them

Sep 27, 2023 | Cross-border Personal Injury

If you or someone you love have been injured as a result of another person’s negligent or wrongful actions, you may be eligible for financial compensation. Typically pursued through a personal injury claim, this compensation may help offset the costs of medical and rehabilitative care, income you have lost as a result of your injuries, … Continue reading “Common Challenges in Cross-Border Injury Claims and How to Overcome Them”

The Benefits of Hiring a Cross-Border Injury Lawyer for Your Injury Claim

Sep 13, 2023 | Cross-border Personal Injury

If you are injured while travelling across the border, you may be eligible for financial compensation through a cross-border personal injury claim. This money can go towards recovering the costs of medical and rehabilitative treatments, wages you may have lost as a result of your injuries, and more. At Border Solutions Law Group, we are … Continue reading “The Benefits of Hiring a Cross-Border Injury Lawyer for Your Injury Claim”

Things to Consider When Filing a Cross-Border Injury Claim in Canada

Jul 17, 2023 | Cross-border Personal Injury

If you have sustained injuries in an accident while travelling across the border, it may be possible to file a cross-border injury claim to seek compensation for the damages you have incurred. This may help to cover the costs of medical bills and rehabilitative care, as well as make up for income you have lost … Continue reading “Things to Consider When Filing a Cross-Border Injury Claim in Canada”

How an Injury Lawyer Can Help Negotiate a Settlement in a Cross-Border Injury Claim

Jul 17, 2023 | Cross-border Personal Injury

When a resident of one jurisdiction sustains injuries in another, they may be eligible to seek financial compensation through a cross-border personal injury claim. The intended goal is the same as the goal of a personal injury claim within one jurisdiction: to provide the injured accident survivor with the support they need in order to … Continue reading “How an Injury Lawyer Can Help Negotiate a Settlement in a Cross-Border Injury Claim”

How Cross-Border Injury Claims Differ From Domestic Claims in Canada

Jun 2, 2023 | Cross-border Personal Injury

Upwards of 20 million Canadians travel to the US every year, whether for work, visiting friends and family, or as a tourist. When injuries occur, Canadians traveling abroad may still be eligible for financial compensation, as they would have had the accident occurred domestically. However, there are some key differences between cross-border and domestic injury … Continue reading “How Cross-Border Injury Claims Differ From Domestic Claims in Canada”