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Living with spinal cord damage after cross-border personal injury

British Columbia residents who cross the southern border will always be at risk of being involved in auto accidents. Some cross-border personal injury victims have to endure many difficulties if they suffered catastrophic injuries. For example, anyone whose injuries include damage to the spinal cord could be left with some level of paralysis.

Severed or crushed spinal cords are life-changing injuries, and after extended hospitalization, there are usually long rehabilitation periods. Spinal cord damage in the neck area can cause quadriplegia, and damage lower down the spinal cord typically causes paraplegia. The outcome also depends on whether it is a complete or incomplete injury.

The goal of rehabilitation is to prepare the patient for living with the condition and make them as self-sufficient as possible. Exercising will maintain flexibility and strength in muscles, and a special diet is necessary to maintain health and manage weight. Patients might have bowel and bladder problems along with other things that usually come naturally. Using a wheelchair and other medical equipment must be practised to ensure mobility and the best possible lifestyle.

Furthermore, medical monitoring will continue over time, including bladder tests, spinal X-rays, MRIs, CT scans and tests to monitor bone density. Anxiety over the financial consequences could be overwhelming. For this reason, it is sensible to retain an experienced cross-border personal injury attorney to pursue financial relief through the civil justice system of both British Columbia and the United States. Legal counsel can also deal with the insurance providers on both sides of the border and ensure that current and future damages are recovered.