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Border Solutions Law Group

How an Injury Lawyer Can Help Negotiate a Settlement in a Cross-Border Injury Claim

How an Injury Lawyer Can Help Negotiate a Settlement in a Cross-Border Injury Claim

When a resident of one jurisdiction sustains injuries in another, they may be eligible to seek financial compensation through a cross-border personal injury claim. The intended goal is the same as the goal of a personal injury claim within one jurisdiction: to provide the injured accident survivor with the support they need in order to recover. 

Navigating two different legal systems is often challenging. While there are many parallels between Canadian and US laws on personal injury, the nuances of what may be possible in any given case may vary. Licensed in both British Columbia and Washington State, a cross-border personal injury lawyer may be able to provide you with tailored guidance. Contact us today to learn what settlements may be possible for you, and see how our team at Border Solutions Law Group might help.

What Kinds of Costs Does a Personal Injury Settlement Cover?

A personal injury settlement is an amount of money an injured accident survivor may receive as compensation for the damages they have sustained in the accident. The aim is to provide financial support for the injured party, allowing them to receive appropriate medical treatment and take the time required in order to heal.

The money that may be awarded in a personal injury claim is usually divided into categories known as “Heads of Damages.” These include economic losses as well as the more subjective area of pain and suffering.

Economic losses can be quantified, and may include the following:

  • Wages lost as a result of having to take time off work
  • Medical bills
  • The costs of rehabilitative care such as physiotherapy, massage therapy, and psychological therapy
  • The costs of attendant care
  • The costs of housekeeping
  • And possibly more.

What Is the Difference in Legal Costs in Washington State vs BC?

At Border Solutions Law Group, one of the most common forms of cross-border injury claim we see concern BC residents travelling to Washington State, and vice versa. One of the key differences between the way legal costs are handled in each jurisdiction is that costs and disbursements are recoverable in British Columbia, while they are not recoverable in Washington State.

A cross-border personal injury lawyer licensed in both jurisdictions may be able to provide advice as to how you might strategize your claim. If you are a Canadian injured in Washington, this might mean being mindful of how you spend your money while in the States. Unless you are facing a catastrophic major injury, which may be seen in spinal cord injury claims, you may wish to wait to take certain measures until you have returned to Canada. 

Disbursements are costs incurred on your behalf while building a legal claim. These may include filing and courier fees, the engagement of experts for providing evidence in your claim, and generating medical reports. It is part of a cross-border personal injury’s job to know how and when to ask for the information necessary to work up your file.

To discuss the particulars of your situation, and learn what Border Solutions Law Group might do for you, contact us today to set up your free initial consultation.

How Much Money Can I Get in a Cross-Border Personal Injury Claim?

The amounts to which you may be eligible in any given claim depend on factors specific to your situation. At Border Solutions Law Group, we approach each case with a tailored attention. While an average claim may be worth around $100,000, debilitating trauma such as head or brain injuries may warrant multiple millions in compensation. 

Remember, every case is unique. Contact Border Solutions Law Group today to book your free initial consultation and learn what might be available for you.

What Makes a Cross-Border Lawyer Different From a Lawyer Practising Domestically?

A cross-border personal injury lawyer who is licensed to practise in multiple jurisdictions should understand the nuances of similarities and differences in the law on each side of the border. With knowledge of your case from beginning to end, our team at Border Solutions Law Group may be able to help you put together a strategic plan as to where to spend money on your file, how to deal with insurance companies from both jurisdictions, and more.

Contact Border Solutions Law Group for a Free Initial Consultation

Have you been injured across the border? There may be additional administrative hurdles as a result of navigating two jurisdictions. Our cross-border injury lawyers may be able to help. Contact us at Border Solutions Law Group today to discuss your settlement options and learn how we may be of service to you.

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Bellingham, WA 98226


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