High-risk driving increases risk of cross-border personal injury
High-risk driving increases risk of cross-border personal injury
When British-Columbia residents venture across the border, most of them drive with particular caution to avoid being involved in an accident. Recovering damages after suffering cross-border personal injury can be a daunting prospect. Unfortunately, cautious drivers often share the roads with high-risk drivers, increasing the likelihood of accidents.
High-risk drivers often follow other vehicles too closely and pass when it’s not safe to do so. Drivers who do not allow enough space when they follow other traffic may not have enough time to react in unanticipated circumstances. While this behaviour often causes rear-end crashes, improper passing is often to blame for head-on collisions. Passing without perfect vision is typical for high-risk drivers.
Failing to yield and disregarding traffic control devices are two additional characteristics of high-risk drivers. Both of these tactics increase the chances of collisions in intersections. High-risk drivers typically do not adjust their driving to match weather and road conditions, increasing the threat to other motorists, cyclists and pedestrians nearby.
The victims of crashes caused by high-risk drivers are typically left with physical, psychological and financial consequences. When the victims are British Columbia residents who are injured while on a trip south of the border, recovering damages could be a challenging process. This is where the skills of a cross-border personal injury lawyer are invaluable. Legal counsel who has experience in dealing with insurance and legal matters on both sides of the border can take over and advocate for the injured drivers and passengers throughout ensuing proceedings in pursuit of maximum damage recovery.
Suite 408 – 837 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 3N6
Suite 301 – 2219 Rimland Dr.
Bellingham, WA 98226
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