Darkness brings one more risk for B.C. drivers
Darkness brings one more risk for B.C. drivers
Most British Columbia drivers do no more than 25% of their driving at night, but more than half of fatal car accidents occur at night. Driving on familiar roads does not reduce the risks of nighttime crashes. Drivers face risks such impaired, distracted and aggressive drivers at night, with darkness exacerbating the danger.
The safest drivers are often the victims of nighttime accidents caused by the negligence of others. However, some basic safety precautions might save lives. It is not unusual for drivers with years of experience to become complacent and disregard the basics of driving safety.
Clean windshield
Windshields that appear clean during the day might have glare-causing streaks that adversely affect the driver’s vision. Cleaning the inside and outside of the windscreen before nighttime driving should not be overlooked.
Align headlights
Knowing that the vehicle’s headlights are in working order is not enough. At regular intervals, drivers should check to ensure they are aligned and not pointing too high or too low, even in new vehicles.
Dim interior lights
The combination of the usual dashboard lights and infotainment lights could distract the driver’s attention from the road. Furthermore, bright interior light can affect the driver’s forward vision. However, it’s best to dim them before driving off to avoid being distracted while dimming them.
Be prepared for damage recovery
Another precaution is to ensure insurance coverage is sufficient to cover vehicle damages and medical expenses. It might also be a good idea for Vancouver residents who take frequent trips across the southern border to ensure they have comprehensive insurance coverage in place. Knowing they are covered for cross-border personal injuries could help to provide peace of mind.
Suite 408 – 837 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 3N6
Suite 301 – 2219 Rimland Dr.
Bellingham, WA 98226
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