Cross-border personal injury threats posed by big rigs
Cross-border personal injury threats posed by big rigs
Special road rules exist for vehicle operators on British Columbia roads between Oct. 1 and March 31. This is the time when a trip can be started in sunny weather conditions with unexpected stretches of ice, slush, compacted snow or heavy snowfall en route. With many commercial vehicles bringing supplies from below the border, there are significant chances of being involved in crashes that might lead to cross-border personal injury claims.
British Columbia expects out-of-province drivers of big rigs to be equipped with traction devices such as wheel chains during those six months. It is also important for these drivers to be familiar with the procedures to install the chains. Cars and smaller commercial trucks have to comply with special rules related to the tires they use.
Commercial drivers are responsible for operating vehicles according to the road conditions and with the proper equipment to navigate British Columbia roads safely — regardless of the conditions. The province’s roads often prove to be hazardous due to snow and ice coverage, especially outside of the more moderate climates of the Greater Victoria and Greater Vancouver areas. Compliance with signs posted across the province regarding tire requirements is essential.
Any road accidents in British Columbia that involve drivers from both sides of the border may lead to complicated litigation over claims for monetary damages. It is at such times when the experience and skills of cross-border personal injury lawyers who are registered in both British Columbia and Washington State are of significant advantage. A lawyer or firm with knowledge of both jurisdictions can pursue recovery of medical and other financial losses on behalf of the victim in a civil lawsuit.
Source:, “Commercial Truckers”, Accessed on April 21, 2017
Suite 408 – 837 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 3N6
Suite 301 – 2219 Rimland Dr.
Bellingham, WA 98226
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