Cross-border personal injury: Never mix driving and cannabis
Cross-border personal injury: Never mix driving and cannabis
Whenever British Columbia residents travel to destinations south of the border, they will risk being victims of car accidents. The potential of suffering cross-border personal injury is higher when they cross paths with drivers who mix cannabis and driving. While most users believe they are perfectly capable of driving after using cannabis, THC, the active ingredient affects the ability to drive safely..
Cannabis affects people differently, with the person’s composition, size and individual tolerance playing essential roles. Regardless, of the level of impairment, it remains illegal and dangerous to drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Studies and clinical trials have proved that it takes at least five hours after use to recover enough to drive safely. However, those tests involved inhalation, and it is not yet clear how long the effects of ingested cannabis last.
The drug affects the cognitive abilities that are crucial for safe driving. It impairs a driver’s coordination, concentration and reaction time. Furthermore, impaired drivers have compromised decision-making skills, and they are less able to judge distances. Safety authorities say the likelihood of collisions is twice as high for drivers under the influence of this drug.
Motorists who fall victim to the lack of cognitive skills in cannabis-impaired drivers might have grounds to pursue financial relief claims. However, if such accidents occur while travelling south of the border, the legal and insurance-related matters will involve the laws and procedures of both countries. For that reason, seeking the support and guidance of an experienced cross-border personal injury lawyer in British Columbia may be the best way to pursue monetary damage recovery.
Suite 408 – 837 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 3N6
Suite 301 – 2219 Rimland Dr.
Bellingham, WA 98226
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