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Challenges living with car accident-related spinal cord injuries

British Columbia residents who took to the roads over the holidays and crossed the paths of other negligent drivers may have entered the new year with mountains of medical bills, lost wages and more. Life after a car accident could be challenging, especially if victims suffer spinal cord injuries. The severity of such injuries depends on the injury’s proximity to the brain.

Types of spinal injuries

Paraplegia could result from injuries to the spinal cord in the mid-back area. However, if the damage is closer to the brain, quadriplegia or loss of sensation and function in all four limbs, neck and chest could follow. Paralysis will bring permanent lifestyle challenges.

Living with the physical changes brought about by spinal cord injuries is challenging for victims and their loved ones or other caregivers. Grieving for the loss of abilities could cause anger, sadness or other emotional difficulties. While the physical harm is there for all to see, emotional harm is less obvious, preventing others from understanding the full plight of the spinal cord injury victim.

Seeking justice

Regardless of all the available treatment, therapy and support groups to ease the consequences of spinal cord injuries, none of these can reduce the past and future financial difficulties. The British Columbia civil justice system provides a platform for pursuing damage recovery in many instances. However, suppose such injuries occurred in a car accident while the victim was on a trip to Seattle. In that case, cross border personal injury claims will involve the laws of both British Columbia and Washington State. Similarly, insurance adjusters from both sides of the border may come into play.