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Cross-border Personal Injury

Cross-border personal injury could happen without warning

Sep 22, 2020 | Cross-border Personal Injury

Travelling between British Columbia and destinations south of the border is restricted right now, and this might continue for a while longer. Travelling from Vancouver to any destination runs the risk of ending in an accident. When this happens in Seattle or another place south of the border, recovering damages for cross-border personal injury could … Continue reading “Cross-border personal injury could happen without warning”

Cross-border personal injury risks as winter approaches

Sep 16, 2020 | Cross-border Personal Injury

Drivers in British Columbia will soon have to deal with early morning frost on their vehicles’ windshields. Those whose vehicles are kept in garages overnight are fortunate not to have to scrape and brush their windshields. However, many drivers will take to the roads with only a small opening through which to see. Those are … Continue reading “Cross-border personal injury risks as winter approaches”

Navigating the complexity of a cross-border car accident

Sep 15, 2020 | Cross-border Personal Injury

Travel between Seattle and Vancouver is common. Many American and Canadian residents cross the border regularly for work and travel. If you’re spending a considerable amount of time outside of your home country, the chances of being involved in a traffic accident abroad are naturally higher. If you’re in a crash while across the border, … Continue reading “Navigating the complexity of a cross-border car accident”

Distractions could cause cross-border personal injuries

Sep 8, 2020 | Cross-border Personal Injury

Even with fewer vehicles crossing the border between Canada and the United States, motorists are at risk of being victims of road accidents. Safety authorities say distractions remain the cause of a significant number of crashes. When a British Columbia resident suffers a cross-border personal injury, pursuing damage recovery can be complicated. Reportedly, one in … Continue reading “Distractions could cause cross-border personal injuries”

Living with spinal cord damage after cross-border personal injury

Sep 3, 2020 | Cross-border Personal Injury

British Columbia residents who cross the southern border will always be at risk of being involved in auto accidents. Some cross-border personal injury victims have to endure many difficulties if they suffered catastrophic injuries. For example, anyone whose injuries include damage to the spinal cord could be left with some level of paralysis. Severed or … Continue reading “Living with spinal cord damage after cross-border personal injury”

Cross-border personal injury and insurance coverage

Aug 19, 2020 | Cross-border Personal Injury

Most British Columbia motorists buy insurance through the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. However, when they are involved in accidents, they often have many questions. When accidents happen while they are travelling south of the border, things become even more complicated. Cross-border personal injury claims involve the laws and insurance regulations of both countries. Matters … Continue reading “Cross-border personal injury and insurance coverage”

Dealing with cross-border personal injury involving spinal cord

Jul 27, 2020 | Cross-border Personal Injury

Some car accident injuries can have life-changing consequences. A spinal cord injury is one example of a catastrophic injury that can leave a victim paralyzed. The legal and insurance procedures for dealing with cross-border personal injury are complicated when such an accident occurs while British Columbia residents travel south of the border. Damage to a … Continue reading “Dealing with cross-border personal injury involving spinal cord”

Cross-border personal injury: Never mix driving and cannabis

Jul 22, 2020 | Cross-border Personal Injury

Whenever British Columbia residents travel to destinations south of the border, they will risk being victims of car accidents. The potential of suffering cross-border personal injury is higher when they cross paths with drivers who mix cannabis and driving. While most users believe they are perfectly capable of driving after using cannabis, THC, the active … Continue reading “Cross-border personal injury: Never mix driving and cannabis”

Cross-border personal injury and its impact on mental health

Jul 14, 2020 | Cross-border Personal Injury

The consequences of car accidents typically go far beyond physical injuries. Concussions, lacerations, bruises and bone fractures could also be accompanied by psychological trauma. The mental trauma is exacerbated by further stresses of filing insurance claims and discussing possible lawsuits with lawyers. All of these matters become even more complicated if it involves a British … Continue reading “Cross-border personal injury and its impact on mental health”