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Border Solutions Law Group

Be alert to avoid cross-border personal injury claims

Be alert to avoid cross-border personal injury claims

Motorists in Vancouver can assume that they will have to deal with others participating in high-risk driving whenever they take to the roads. Accidents happen anytime and anywhere, and they are typically traumatic, but when involved in a crash while travelling south of the border, everything becomes more complicated. Being alert for the driving errors of others can help avoid the complications of cross-border personal injury claims.

The best line of defence is looking out for drivers who show high-risk behaviour. Hot spots include intersections because many vehicles travel in different directions, while there may also be pedestrians to consider. Failing to yield is often the cause of intersection collisions. Another red flag is a driver ignoring road signs and traffic control measures. Tailgating is another high-risk behaviour for which to look out because following too closely can cause a rear-end crash in the blink of an eye.

Passing other vehicles is always dangerous, and when it is done without care, it puts the lives of the occupants of other vehicles at risk. To stay safe, look out for drivers who pass without checking the road ahead, or pass on a bend with no view of approaching traffic. Drivers who fail to indicate their intentions are equally dangerous, and they are likely to cut back into the lane too soon after completing the pass.

It is tough to travel safely from one place to another. Along with the mentioned high-risk behaviours, drivers must be alert and look out for impaired or distracted drivers, or both. When Vancouver drivers are involved in wrecks while travelling to Seattle or other Washington destinations, they may face unanticipated financial consequences and the laws of both countries. Proving another driver’s negligence may be difficult without the skills of an experienced cross-border personal injury lawyer. Once that is established, the lawyer can present the claim and document financial and other damages to the court to pursue financial relief on behalf of the client.

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Vancouver, BC V6C 3N6

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Bellingham, WA 98226


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