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BC motorcycle riders might be a bit rusty after the long winter

BC motorcycle riders might be a bit rusty after the long winter

As motorcyclists in British Columbia return to the roadways after the long, cold winter, even riders with years of experience should spend time reacquainting themselves with their bikes. It is wise to take a few slow rides and check the motorcycle thoroughly for any mechanical problems before taking to the open roads. As summer sets in, bikers could feel somewhat rusty when taking their first rides, and motorcycle accidents could happen in the blink of an eye. 

Distractions, speeding, and rider confusion or error cause most motorcycle. One of the most significant rider errors is taking for granted that motorists in their vicinity see them. According to the ICBC, police reports indicate that car versus motorcycle accidents mainly involve the following factors: 

  • Distracted vehicle drivers 
  • Improper turning by drivers 
  • Drivers’ failure to yield the way to bikers 

Drivers of cars, trucks and other vehicles can help prevent collisions with motorcycles by following the tips below: 

  • Avoid distractions and stay alert 
  • Make a point of scanning for approaching motorcycles at intersections, particularly when making left turns 
  • It is never easy to judge the speed of approaching motorcycles, and they might be closer than they seem, so it’s always safer to yield a bit longer.  
  • Avoid following too closely behind a motorcycle, and allow sufficient lane space when passing a biker. 

Bikers have almost none of the protection vehicle occupants have, and the injuries they suffer in collisions with vehicles are often catastrophic. Nonfatal accidents often leave bikers with life-changing injuries.  

The financial consequences are usually severe when motorcycle accident injuries prevent victims from returning to work. However, if they can establish negligence on the part of the vehicle driver, victims of these unfortunate incidents have grounds to pursue damage recovery through the British Columbia civil justice system. A successfully presented personal injury lawsuit could result in a monetary judgment to cover lost income and medical and emotional damages.  

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