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Enhanced Care Under ICBC

Enhanced Care Under ICBC

All British Columbians are covered under the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia’s Enhanced Care model, as of May 1st, 2021. This recent change was made to lower insurance premiums as well as the costs of litigation. Any insurance claims for accidents that occurred on or before April 30th, 2021 still fall under the previous system. 

To address any questions you may have about enhanced care under ICBC, or any other car accident-related matter, contact our team of personal injury lawyers at Border Solutions Law Group today, and see how we may be of service to you.

What Are Enhanced Accident Benefits Under ICBC?

Under the Enhanced Care model, injured accident survivors typically no longer pursue tort claims in order to recover damages. A tort claim is a civil claim in which a plaintiff may seek financial compensation from the at-fault party, for their wrongful actions. In the past, a person injured in a car accident would have filed a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, to cover the costs of their injuries. Now, if you are not at fault for your accident, the damage may be covered by your own insurance.

Under ICBC’s Enhanced Care model, drivers have up to $200,000 in third party liability as well as basic vehicle damage coverage. Basic vehicle damage coverage may not apply, however, if the accident does not involve another vehicle, if the driver is at fault for the crash (this would fall under optional collision coverage), or if the accident occurs in another jurisdiction. At Border Solutions Law Group, we are uniquely positioned to help address questions about cross-border claims as well as car accidents within British Columbia. Contact our cross-border personal injury lawyers today to set up your consultation.

What Do Enhanced Accident Benefits Cover?

Enhanced Accident Benefits may provide coverage for treatments such as physiotherapy, massage therapy, chiropractic care, and dental care. Where not covered by MSP, Enhanced Accident Benefits may also cover prescription medication.

Enhanced Care may also cover up to 90% of your income, in the event that you are unable to work as a result of your injuries.

The goal of Enhanced Care is to provide support necessary to recover, and is subject to the decisions of your insurance adjuster. If approved by the ICBC adjuster, treatments that fall outside typical medical standards may likewise be approved.

How Are Enhanced Accident Benefits Decisions Made?

ICBC adjusters typically work in committees, and their decisions may be subjective to the individuals at hand. This subjectivity is part of the reason it can be particularly important to work with a lawyer when navigating an ICBC claim. A Vancouver car accident lawyer with knowledge of the relevant policies and possibilities may be able to clarify your questions and help present your case in ways that advantage you. Contact us today at Border Solutions Law Group to learn more.

Can I Still Take Legal Action Regarding a Car Accident?

One of the primary purposes of the new Enhanced Care model under ICBC is to reduce legal claims in car accidents across British Columbia, by having each party’s damages covered by their own insurance policy. However, there may be exceptions. Legal action may be taken in the following cases:

  • Where an at-fault driver has been convicted of criminal code violations
  • When a third party’s actions may have contributed to the accident (eg. defects in a vehicle’s manufacturing, or overserving by a bartender)
  • When losses have occurred in relation to business downtime, damage to non-vehicle personal property, and/or environmental contamination

For more information, including what may be possible in your case, contact our Vancouver car accident lawyers today.

How Can a Vancouver Car Accident Lawyer Help?

Under the Enhanced Care model, drivers typically receive coverage for their accident-related damages under their own insurance policy. However, certain issues may arise that could benefit from the support of a British Columbia car accident lawyer. If your ICBC claim has been denied, for instance, or if you have been involved in a car accident outside of BC, our team at Border Solutions Law Group may be able to help address your questions and provide guidance as to informed next steps. 

Contact Border Solutions Law Group for a Free Initial Consultation

It can be challenging to understand the nuances of ICBC’s regulations, including the new Enhanced Care formula. Contact our Vancouver car accident lawyers at Border Solutions Law Group today to schedule your dedicated consultation and see how we may be of service to you.

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