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Border Solutions Law Group

Cross-border personal injury and insurance coverage

Cross-border personal injury and insurance coverage

Most British Columbia motorists buy insurance through the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. However, when they are involved in accidents, they often have many questions. When accidents happen while they are travelling south of the border, things become even more complicated. Cross-border personal injury claims involve the laws and insurance regulations of both countries.

Matters can be significantly more complicated when the other driver is uninsured. If the at-fault person is uninsured, and the other driver has insurance, he or she will have coverage for vehicle damage. This also applies if the at-fault driver is unidentified. Hit-and-run accident victims with ICBC collision coverage will be covered, and the deductible would be waived.

ICBC insurance coverage is unlike that of other provinces that cover only injuries and capped or no coverage for vehicle damage. A valid British Columbia driver’s licence or basic insurance protects victims of an accident with an uninsured motorist. In the event of a hit-and-run accident, or an uninsured driver, ICBC coverage pays for property damage and injuries up to $1 million. However, coverage is not automatic for the at-fault driver. He or she would only have car repair coverage if collision protection were in place.

Having to deal with these complicated matters in the aftermath of a vehicle accident could be overwhelming, and even more so if the crash occurred south of the border. For that reason, it might simplify matters if the crash victims seek the support and guidance of a British Columbia lawyer. Retaining legal counsel with cross-border personal injury experience to navigate ensuing proceedings might be the most sensible way to pursue financial relief.

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