Delayed injuries and cross-border personal injury lawsuits
Delayed injuries and cross-border personal injury lawsuits
Sometimes, car accident injuries seem insignificant at first. However, even those that don’t involve blood or broken bones can have long-term consequences. Medical evaluation after any crash is necessary, and if a cross-border personal injury claim could result, it is of particular importance to gather the medical reports and bills related to justify claims for recovery of damages in British Columbia or Washington. Some delayed symptoms of injuries may appear several days, weeks or even months after an accident.
Look out for headaches because they may indicate possible neck or head injuries, a concussion or even a blood clot on the brain. Even accidents at slow speeds can cause whiplash for which MRIs, CT scans or X-rays to make an accurate diagnosis. These injuries typically cause stiffness and pain in the shoulders and neck, and may cause numbness in the hands and arms. Back pain can also mean injury to vertebrae, nerves, ligaments or muscles.
Internal bleeding may only become apparent days later and typically include deep purple bruising over large areas. It can also cause dizziness and fainting and could be life threatening. Personality changes could follow traumatic brain injuries that may become apparent if there are problems with vision, hearing, balance and memory. Also, post-traumatic stress disorder can leave a victim with recurring visions of an accident.
The applicable statute of limitations in British Columbia or Washington will have to be considered. An experienced cross-border personal injury lawyer can make sure that formal action to recover damages is commenced within the required time period. The services of a law firm with attorneys registered on both sides of the border is a good choice in such a case.
Source:, “7 delayed injury symptoms after a car crash“, Dr. Alex Bigham, Accessed on April 14, 2017
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