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Border Solutions Law Group

BC Personal Injury

Cross-Border Long-Term Disability Claims

If you are unable to work due to an injury, it can be difficult to get a long-term disability insurer to approve or extend your claim. If the injury occurred outside of your home country, you face additional challenges.

At Border Solutions Law Group, we only handle cross-border issues. We understand the laws and insurance practices in both countries. We can fight to protect your right to financial compensation during your recovery.

Holding Insurers To Their Responsibility

One of the reasons why insurers deny long-term disability claims is because of technicalities in their definition of “disabled”. Policies differ from insurer to insurer and from country to country. Since our lawyers are dual-licensed in both Washington and British Columbia, we know how to cut through policy jargon in both jurisdictions and determine your eligibility.

We can help you on your initial application and later on, if the insurer plans to cut off your benefits. We know what kind of supporting evidence you need to make a successful LTD claim.

This often includes gaining expert assessments on your disability and the cost of future care. Because of our thorough familiarity with both BC and Washington, we have developed an extensive international network of professionals. We know the best experts in obtaining diagnoses, prognoses, functional assessments and cost evaluations in your home country.

If you need more time to recover, our lawyers can help you secure your rightful due under your LTD policy.

Call For A Free Consultation

It won’t cost you to speak to our lawyers during an initial consultation. Arrange an appointment today. Reach our Vancouver office at 877-341-0315 or by email.

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Suite 408 – 837 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 3N6

Suite 301 – 2219 Rimland Dr.
Bellingham, WA 98226


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